The Perfect Derma™ Peel

Chemical peels are an easy way to exfoliate old skin cells that contribute to a dull or tired complexion. By safely removing the outer layer of skin cells, fine lines are softened, hyperpigmentation is reduced, and a more youthful, rejuvenated complexion is revealed.
Andromeda Aesthetics is pleased to offer The Perfect Derma™ Peel, the most advanced medium-depth peel available. With a patented blend of trichloroacetic acid (TCA), retinoic acid, salicylic acid, kojic acid, phenol, glutathione and Vitamin C, The Perfect Derma™ Peel is able to improve the overall clarity, tone and texture of the skin virtually painlessly and without the discomfort of other medium-depth chemical peels.
The Perfect Derma™ Peel is the only peel that includes the powerful anti-oxidant Glutathione, which lightens and brightens the skin, slows down the aging process and helps prevent wrinkles. It is appropriate for all skin types (Fitzpatrick 1-6) and is especially good at reducing hyperpigmentation or melasma when used as a series. Patients struggling with acne may find The Perfect Derma™ Peel useful for controlling the breakouts and reducing the appearance of scarring.
Peel application takes less than 30 minutes with patients looking reddened, like a sunburn immediately afterwards. Peeling in sheets begins within 3 days and is generally completed by day 6-7, with the complexion now appearing glowing and rejuvenated.
Come to Andromeda Aesthetics for your free consultation to discuss skin concerns and learn if the The Perfect Derma™ Peel is appropriate for you.